Monday, October 31, 2011

All this wedding and no Priest...

I have been dealing with a very interesting problem... I haven't been able to find anyone to marry us!!! I come from a VERY Catholic family and Michael's family is Baptist so we discussed which church we would get married in and he graciously agreed to get married in the Catholic church. This turned out to be easier said than done. I called every church in the downtown San Antonio area and NONE of them were available. They either wouldn't do a wedding ceremony during Advent (Christmas season), or they wouldn't marry a couple outside their parish, or they were booked... for the next year! I was beginning to freak out a little. We discussed our other options and decided to find a Justice of the Peace to perform our ceremony.

If only that was the end of the story. I began asking several of my professors, many of whom have been in the public administration field for many years, which Judges they would recommend. The last thing I wanted was someone who would go off on a long and bitter diatribe about marriage or worse...tell jokes. I thought I was in luck when my ethics professor, who is also an attorney, told me about this phenomenal Judge who had done his nephew's wedding. I got his number and was given the run around by his office for several weeks before I finally gave up and began the search again.

It was only after I found Judge Monica Lisa Caballero that the other Judge finally called me back....well, his assistant called me back. I told him I would be happy to schedule a meeting to discuss how we wanted the ceremony to go and was told "he doesn't do that". Well silly me for thinking I should have a say in MY wedding ceremony.

Thankfully we already had an appointment with Judge Caballero while Michael was visiting and I was so thrilled to find out that she was incredibly down to earth and completely understood our predicament. She is willing to work in as many traditions into the ceremony as we'd like and she even had a few really great suggestions for us.

Finally figuring this out has been a HUGE relief. I was beginning to think we were just going to be throwing a really great party :)

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