Friday, October 21, 2011

Bridal Shower

My bridal shower was on October 15th and it was a great success! I owe a HUGE thank you to Katy, my Mom and Nina for putting together an amazing shower.

There was a slight hiccup in the bridal shower plans when it was announced that comprehensive exams (comps) were going to be on the same day. St. Mary's University MPA program does not have a thesis, instead they have comprehensive exams that are meant to test your knowledge of the ENTIRE degree curriculum before you graduate. Comps were emailed out at 1:00pm on Friday, October 14th and we had until Saturday, October 15th at 6:00pm to send back our answers. The schedule for this was announced after Katy sent out the invitations and I reassured her that I would make it work. Somehow I pulled it off and was able to stay up most of the night before the shower and get the test done.

I was worried about being too tired to have fun at the shower but as soon as I got to the Stillwell house, where the shower was held, I got my second wind and had a great time.
The Stillwell House on Fort Sam Houston

I was greeted by this amazing food as soon as I walked in the door that Mom and Nina spent the whole night before cooking for me. They made sure to get all my favorites. :)

I'm not sure who's idea it was to have a cupcake tree but I'm pretty sure it was one of my favorite parts of the day, especially the chocolate & peanut butter one.
My Aunt Laurie also made me some of the coolest elephant shaped cupcakes I've ever seen. I will try and find a picture of them and post it. They were so creative and I thought it was really sweet of her to make my favorite animal into cupcakes for me.

Of course the majority of the bridal shower was spent opening presents, which I LOVE to do, and I got some amazing gifts. I got a lot of really cute things for my future kitchen that I can't wait to use. I have got to learn how to cook so I don't put it all to shame. :) There were a few "scandalous" gifts but, in the interest of keeping the blog G-rated, I'll spare you the details. Let's just say they came from a the people I would least expect (Gran & Aunt Christi) and they made me blush so bad it took everyone several minutes to stop laughing at me.

My junior bridesmaids were amazing about helping me get through all the gifts and they made sure all the wrappings were picked up and handed me gifts and really kept things rolling. Kaitlyn almost couldn't keep up with writing everything down, they were moving so fast.

Ava, my flower girl, was in charge of getting my bows off my gifts and putting them together for my "rehearsal bouquet". Did you know that the superstition is that how ever many bows you break when putting that thing together is supposed to be how many kids you'll have? Yeah, neither did I. I broke four. I still haven't figured out how to tell Michael.

The party wrapped up with Kaitlyn leading us in a few bridal shower games. Her bridal charades was a huge hit, especially when she acted out diving to catch the bouquet. She worked so hard on the shower and I am so proud of her for pulling everything together. She really made it everything I hoped it would be.

Katy. Me & Ava

Me & Gran

Me & Grandma

Me & Katy

Just Me :)

1 comment:

  1. So very glad you had a great shower! Sorry Texas is so far away from Michigan and Ohio, so that we were unable to make it to the shower. I'm sure we will get to meet one day. Aunt Tami
