Monday, July 18, 2011

We have a NEW Wedding Date!

So there has been a little hitch in our plans, pardon the pun :). I signed the contract for La Mansion on the 5th of July and on Friday, July 14th, I finally received an estimate for the group rate and room availability at the hotel. She started by letting me know that there were no rooms available on the night of the December 9th because of a breast cancer awareness convention that had every hotel in the city booked all that week. Then She told me that the group rate for the night of the 10th was going to be $299....PER ROOM! I was livid, to say the least, since she told me when I signed the contract that I could have at least 10 rooms and add more as needed for the nights of the 9th and the 10th.

I couldn't get in touch with her on Friday and she wasn't in the office all weekend so Michael and I went by there today before he left so I could show him everything and talk with her in person. She was extremely apologetic but let me know that she had called around and every hotel in the city was booked for that week and they weren't willing to release any rooms. I had mentioned getting married on the 17th of December in an earlier conversation and she asked if that was still an option. I talked it over with Michael and we really didn't see any way around it or any real issues with that date so we decided to move the wedding.

In the end it made the most sense because the new group rate for the rooms at La Mansion is $150 for that weekend, a drastic price difference. I will also be able to walk at my graduation from St.Mary's, which will make my parents very happy.

I will let everyone know who to call and what name to give for the group rates as soon as I sign the new contracts. I also plan on negotiating a group rate at one of the hotels close by for those who would like to stay close to the ceremony but would like to be a bit more economical and I will get that info out as soon as possible as well.

Sorry for all the confusion, thank God this happened early enough for us to figure out a way around it.

1 comment:

  1. I just have to say, I am THRILLED about the change!! This now means the Finnegans will 100% be there! Yay!!! SO excited!
